Dear Working Mother Denied Unemployment

Lawrence Anand
1 min readJul 20, 2021

You can get help when you do not need it, but you cannot when you do need it.

The bleeding heart in me broke and was left speechless when you said that.

But the law of the land is this: able and available for work.

In the same capacity as you had been in your past 18 months of work.

I do see that you are working during this summer break and probably trying your best, but you’re not available in the same way as when you had been working.

Unfortunately, we do not make decisions based on what you need. Federal, and state law.

This is a blind spot of our system.

Working fathers, working mothers. You have to be able and available.

You can’t just take off hours to care for someone who needs it.

I honestly, sincerely, hope you can find your way.


Hoping for a Higher Power’s Intervention

